A brief explanation of how Animal Classification works( for the average guy)

Scientists never agree on much of anything, so there are several accepted Plant and Animal Classification systems. Most of us don’t even know what the names of those classification systems mean, let alone understand the structure of them, so we are just going to use a simplified dummied up system the average common man can understand. A brief explanation of how Animal Classification works( for the average guy) »»

Five tips to track down your canine soulmate

There is a right and a wrong way to pick a puppy. The process is a little like dating. The few who find fulfillment in love are those who use their hearts and their heads. There is a special kind of nirvana when a person connects with their canine soul mate. They weren’t fooling when they called dog “man’s best friend.” But such unions don’t happen randomly. A little careful preparation will go a long way. And to simplify your search, we have five suggestions. Five tips to track down your canine soulmate »»

Boston Terriers Must be Housedogs

Boston Terriers are incredibly smart. People tend to think that because they look silly, they aren’t bright. But they learn very quickly and are extremely easy to train. However, they are not for everyone, and often are especially not suited for families with small children.  Boston Terriers Must be Housedogs »»

Boxers never grow up or slow down!

The number one reason a boxer has trouble finding a forever home is that people say they’re too wild. Boxers never grow up or slow down!  Boxers also do not do well in extreme heat or cold.  The Boxer is not a breed that enjoys being outside all day and night. Boxers never grow up or slow down! »»

Airedale Rescue Organizations

Airedales are often purchased without any clear understanding of what goes into owning one. There are many Airedales in need of adoption and or fostering. Here is a list of Airedale rescue organizations where you can adopt, foster, or volunteer. Airedale Rescue Organizations »»

Affenpinscher rescue organizations

Affenpinschers are often purchased without any clear understanding of what goes into owning one. There are many animals of all ages  in need of adoption and or fostering. Here is a list of Affenpinscher rescue organizations where you can adopt, foster, or volunteer. Affenpinscher rescue organizations »»

Afghan rescue organizations

Afghans are often purchased without any clear understanding of what goes into owning one. There are many animals of all ages  in need of adoption and or fostering. Here is a list of Afghan rescue organizations where you can adopt, foster, or volunteer. Afghan rescue organizations »»

Akita rescue organizations

Akitas are often purchased without any clear understanding of what goes into owning one. There are many animals of all ages  in need of adoption and or fostering. Here is a list of Akita rescue organizations where you can adopt, foster, or volunteer. Akita rescue organizations »»

Afador dog breed

The Afador dog is a cross between an Afghan Hound and a Labrador Retriever. They may or may not be good with children. Afador dog breed »»

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound was originally used to hunt hares and gazelles. It is both fast and has keen eyesight. Afghans can have up to 15 puppies in one litter. This breed has a reputation among trainers of having a slow obedience intelligence and is not as quick to obey as many other breeds. Afghan Hound »»

Labrador Retriever

The labrador retriever is the most popular dog breed in the world. The labrador retriever is also one of the most intelligent dogs. They are suited to a wide variety of jobs including as hunting dogs, service dogs, and working dogs with law enforcement and the military. Labrador Retriever »»

Non-Sporting Dog Breeds

The dog breeds in the Non-Sporting Breed Group are a varied collection in terms of size, coat, personality and overall appearance.  As the name of this class implies, they were not bred for a particular sport or function, but were bred primarily as companion animals for humans. This group of dogs has a wide array of personality traits, sizes, colors, and shapes. Non-Sporting Dog Breeds »»

Toy Dog Breeds

Toy dog breeds will always be popular with city dwellers and people without much living space. They make ideal apartment dogs and terrific lap warmers on cool nights. Small breeds may be found in every dog Group, not just the Toy Group, but those in this dog group were bred specifically for a smaller size than their standard counterpart. Toy Dog Breeds »»

Afaird Dog Breed

The Afaird is a cross between an Afghan Hound and a Briard. It is not recognized by any of the dog registries at this time. Afaird Dog Breed »»

Sporting dog breed class

Most of the dogs in the Sporting dog breed class were bred to hunt birds and other small animals. This is an energetic group of dogs who will require plenty of exercise and activity to keep them occupied. Naturally active and alert, Sporting dogs make likeable, well-rounded companions. Sporting dog breed class »»

Airedale Terrier Dog Breed

The Airedale originated in England as an all-around working dog, hunting small game and guarding homes. It’s easier to list what an Airedale can’t do than what they can. With a high activity level, the breed needs intense and regular exercise. Airedale Terrier Dog Breed »»

Coccidia in dogs

Coccidia are tiny single-celled parasites that live in the wall of your dog’s intestine. They are found more often in puppies, but they can also infect older dogs and cats. Dogs become infected by swallowing soil that contains coccidia or other substances in the environment that may contain dog feces. Coccidia in dogs »»

Affen Tzu hybrid dog

The Affen Tzu is created by crossing the purebred Affenpinscher with the purebred Shih- Tzu. It is considered a hybrid dog, meaning it is not purebred, however the lineage is known. Affen Tzu hybrid dog »»

Havanese Dog Breed

The Havanese or Bichon Habanero, is a member of the bichon family of small companion-dog breeds, which are neither spaniels nor terriers. Native to Cuba, the Havanese likely arrived via trading ships. Havanese Dog Breed »»

Small Dog Breeds

Tight on space in a condo or apartment, limited by weight restrictions, or just enjoy a smaller dog companion? Search our list of small dog breeds to find a dog that is just your size. Don’t be fooled by their small stature though, pint sized doesn’t mean small personality. Small Dog Breeds »»

Good Dogs for Children

The big day has finally arrived, a new member of the family will be joining your ranks. When you bring the little one home, you want to know you have made the right decision, are they going to fit in well with the other family members, will they be kind to everyone, will they be too rambunctious or too big? Of course by little one I am referring to a new dog in the family.

Good Dogs for Children »»

Parasites that infect dogs

It is fairly common for a dog to become infected with an internal or external parasite at some point in its lifetime. Parasites can affect your dog in a variety of ways, ranging from simple irritation to causing life-threatening conditions if left untreated. Some parasites can infect and transmit diseases to people. Parasites that infect dogs »»

Affenpinscher dog breed profile

The Affenpinscher is a typical Terrier type dog. They are usually very lively and bursting with self confidence. This is a wonderful breed with a typical Terrier type character, but if he is not socialised and trained early, the Affenpinscher can quickly be ruling the household and everything in it. Affenpinscher dog breed profile »»

Hypoallergenic dog breeds

Allergy sufferers who are sensitive to dogs may know pet dander is the main culprit causing their allergic reaction and may worsen hay fever allergy symptoms. Below is a list of dog breeds that are considered hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic dog breeds »»

American English Coonhound

The American English Coonhound is derived from a combination of English Coonhounds brought to the New World by wealthy English land owners and Virginia Hounds, which had arrived with earlier settlers and were more adept at traversing rough terrain and harsher weather. American English Coonhound »»

Taco Bell Dog Found in Bar

MARATHON KEY, FLORIDA — A picture of the once world renowned “Taco Bell” spokesdog was taken at a seedy bar, The Lusty Manatee, in Florida last week. Reporters from Food and Style Magazine in town covering Marathon Key’s 14th Annual “Festival Of Transpierced Cocktail Servers,” were shocked to discover the once beloved “Yoquiero” drinking heavily and living in a shack. Taco Bell Dog Found in Bar »»