2003 Archives
2003 Archives
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KEYWORDS: environmental news imperiled species animal habitat conservation grants endangered species cost-share grants Landowner Incentive Program wildlife conservation projects programs LIP grant program landowner incentive program Preble’s meadow jumping mouse black-tailed prairie dog Gunnison sage grouse conserve at-risk fish and wildlife species
SOURCE: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region News Release
Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton today announced $34.8 million in grants to states under a new partnership program to assist private landowners in conserving and restoring the habitat of endangered species and other at-risk plants and animals.
The cost-share grants, part of the administration’s new Landowner Incentive Program, will support innovative partnerships in 42 states. State fish and wildlife agencies, landowners or non-profit groups must put up at least 25 percent of the cost of projects. With these grants, states will be able to provide financial and technical assistance to interested landowners.
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KEYWORDS: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge bird and animal sanctuaries Arctic Refuge oil drilling in the Arctic Refuge oil lease sales in Alaska preserve Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Environmental Protection Agency Endangered Species Act national wildlife refuge Olympic National Park art print Denali National Park art print buy signed limited edition art print buy nature art print wolf poster
AUTHOR: Joel Connelly, Seattle Post-Intelligencer Columnist
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OLYMPIA — The Bush administration picked a sunny day, with the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge as a bracing photo backdrop, to put a smiling face on its controversial environmental policies.
The face belonged to Interior Secretary Gale Norton, who at her appearance yesterday linked President Bush with the Republicans’ greatest conservationist, Theodore Roosevelt, and peppered her remarks with references to “communication,” “consultation” and “cooperation.”
Norton did, however, flash the drill-bit teeth of Bush energy policies. She delivered a lengthy defense of the administration’s plan to drill for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, greatest of the nation’s bird and animal sanctuaries.