Foundation Stock
Foundation Stock (Miscellaneous New Breeds)
Throughout the world, there are several hundred distinct breeds of purebred dogs, not all of which are AKC recognized breeds. Those officially recognized for AKC registration appear in the Stud Book of the American Kennel Club.
The AKC provides for a regular path of development for a new breed, which may result in that breed’s full recognition and appearance in the official Stud Book as an AKC recognized breed.
The requirement for admission to the AKC Stud Book is clear and categorical proof that a substantial, sustained nationwide interest and activity in the breed exists. This includes an active parent club, with serious and expanding breeding activity over a wide geographic area.
When in the judgment of the Board of Directors such interest and activity exists, a breed is admitted to the Miscellaneous Class. Foundation Stock Service® Breeds have been accepted for recording in the AKC Foundation Stock Service® and are listed in the Miscellaneous Dog Breed Class.
The AKC provides this service to allow these purebred breeds to continue to develop while providing them with the security of a reliable and reputable avenue to maintain their records. FSS® breeds are not eligible for AKC registration.
Several of the FSS breeds are approved to compete in AKC Companion Events.
American English CoonhoundAppenzeller SennenhundeArgentine DogoAzawakhBarbetBelgian LaekenoisBergamascoBerger PicardBluetick CoonhoundBoerboelBologneseBoykin SpanielBracco ItalianoCane CorsoCatahoula Leopard DogCaucasian OvcharkaCentral Asian Shepherd DogCesky TerrierChinookCirneco dell’EtnaCoton de TulearCzechoslovakian VlcakEntlebucher Mountain DogEstrela Mountain DogEurasierFinnish LapphundGerman SpitzGrand Basset Griffon VendéenIcelandic SheepdogIrish Red and White SetterJindoKai KenKarelian Bear DogKishu KenKooikerhondjeLagotto RomagnoloLancashire HeelerLeonbergerMudiNorrbottenspetsNorwegian BuhundNorwegian LundehundPerro de Presa CanarioPeruvian Inca OrchidPortuguese PodengoPortuguese PointerPumiPyrenean ShepherdRafeiro do AlentejoRat TerrierRedbone CoonhoundRussell TerrierSchapendoesSloughiSmall Munsterlander PointerSpanish Water DogStabyhounSwedish LapphundThai RidgebackTosaTreeing Tennessee BrindleTreeing Walker CoonhoundWirehaired VizslaXoloitzcuintli