Mammalia (mammals)
Mammalia (mammals – 5,877species)
The brain regulates endothermic and circulatory systems, including a four-chambered heart. There are currently 1260 genera, 156 families, 29 orders, and exactly 5877 species of described mammal, all in a single class. Using Groves and Grubbs’ Taxonomy of Ungulates for the family Bovidae within Artiodactyla.
The genus Bison is included within Bos in this classification and the genera Nyala (nyala), Strepsiceros (greater kudu), and Ammelaphus (lesser kudu) are all distinct genera from Tragelaphus (sitatunga, bushbuck, gedemsa or mountain nyala, and the bongo), this is supported by mtDNA.
Many other recent advancements in mammal taxonomy have resulted in the description of new genera (Waiomys) and some genera have been combined (Uncia combined with Panthera), and other have been split (Niumbaha split from Glauconycteris).
- Give birth to their young and feed them with milk.
- Have hair on at least part of their body.
- Have four limbs with digits ending in claws, nails, or hooves (except whales and dolphins).
- Breathe with lungs.
- Are warm-blooded.
- Antelope
- Badgers
- Euarchonta (primates, man)
- Placentalia (rodents)
- Bovidae
- Cetacean (Dolphins,Whales)
- Monotremes
- Mustelids
- Order Carnivora