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Big Foot sighted in the Badlands of North Dakota?

KEYWORDS: Big Foot strange sightings Badlands North Dakota Badlands Sasquatch Fort Berthold reservation tales of creatures Big Foot sightings traditional stories Big Foot on Indian reservations modern mystery

AUTHOR: Doreen Yellow Bird

Tales of creatures that disturb our mundane and everyday lives are not uncommon. To claim, however, that you’ve seen such a creature is to hear snickers or out-loud laughing. Yet, when I heard what happened on the Fort Berthold reservation near New Town, N.D., I wondered. It was a sighting of one of most common of these creatures – Sasquatch or Big Foot.

Man Who Claimed ‘Bigfoot’ Legend Dies

The man who used 16-inch feet-shaped carvings to create tracks that ignited the “Bigfoot” legend has died. He was 84.

Sasquatch still looms large, and scientists are intrigued

KEYWORDS: bigfoot lore bigfoot legend Bigfoot Legend Pacific Northwest legend Ray Wallace Sasquatch bigfoot museum giant ape giant primate Bigfoot tales Bigfoot memorabilia Tom Slick Willow Creek-China Flat Museum Grover Krantz bigfoot researcher Skookum cast

AUTHOR:Eric Bailey, Times Staff Writer

A prankster’s posthumous confession appeared to doom the legend. But Sasquatch still looms large, and scientists are intrigued.

Southwest Alaskans say bird is the size of a small plane
Wrestling with Bigfoot