

Antelope Overview, Duikers, Gnus, Hartebeests, Blesboks, and their relatives, Horse Antelopes, Nilgai and Four-Horned Antelope, Other Antelopes, Reedbucks, Waterbucks, et al, Rheboks, and Spiral-Horned Antelopes.

Article Index:

Antelope Behaviour

Compared to some mammals, such as carnivores (meat-eaters) and primates (apes, monkeys, and humans), antelopes are not noted for high intelligence.

Antelope conservation status

To survive, antelopes rely on their ability to spot danger and to make a rapid escape. This defense system enables them to evade most wildlife predators, but it offers only partial protection from human hunters interested in antelope hide, horn, or meat, and no protection at all from changes to their habitat.

Antelope courtship and reproduction

Antelopes reach sexual maturity quickly. The smallest antelope species are ready to breed when just 6 months old, and the largest only need 3 or 4 years to reach sexual maturity.

Antelope Range and Habitat
Antelope Size and Diversity
Pronghorn (Antelopes)
Types of antelope