Pet and Wildlife

A brief explanation of how Animal Classification works( for the average guy)

Scientists never agree on much of anything, so there are several accepted Plant and Animal Classification systems. Most of us don’t even know what the names of those classification systems mean, let alone understand the structure of them, so we are just going to use a simplified dummied up system the average common man can understand.

How we categorize Mother Nature

The best known taxonomy classification system is credited to a Swedish botanist named Carl Linnaeus, who made it popular in 1757 and it is still considered mostly accurate today.

Only Linnaeus didn't figure this system out at all, he just popularized the idea of giving each animal or plant species a two-part name, with one part indicating the genus, and the second part the species. Linnaeus' taxonomy system was based on work done by Aristotle, who came up with a multi-ranked system in 347 BCE. Scientists often refer to this system as taxonomy.

The Linnaean taxonomic system is quite useful as a classification system. Not only does it provide official names for every plant and animal, it also helps scientists understand how objects are related to one another.

This basic taxonomy system is constantly evolving as scientists figure out what scientists before them thought before isn't strictly correct, and new plants and animals are discovered which fill in some of the missing information in the evolutionary tree,  so the sytem is constantly getting revised and new taxonomy systems develop as one smart guy presents his ideas of how it should go and more scientist types begin to think maybe he's right and agree with him.

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