Pet and Wildlife

Pet survey reveals strong pet owner loyalty

A recent national survey of 1,252 pet owners by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) had some fascinating findings.

Among these are:

◾89% believe their pet understands all or some of what they say.

◾76% talk to their pets in a different voice.

◾53% believe their pet would come to their rescue if they were in distress.

◾56% spend an average of two or more hours of quality time with their pet each day.

◾Nearly one-third spend more time with their pet than with family or friends.

◾Love and attention were rated as the most important elements to ensure a per's quality of life.

◾Only 2% have health insurance for their pet yet nearly two-thirds said they would spend $1,000 or more to save their pet’s life.

◾More respondents read the nutritional labels on food they feed their pet than the labels on food they eat themselves - 41 and 37% respectively!

◾80% believe their pet has exhibited jealous behavior; of these, 84% report that their pet was jealous of another pet.

◾11% of cat owners have ended a personal or romantic relationship with someone because of their cat.

◾48% consider themselves emotionally dependent upon their animals.

◾83% are likely to risk their lives for their pets.

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