KEYWORDS: environmental news imperiled species animal habitat conservation grants endangered species cost-share grants Landowner Incentive Program wildlife conservation projects programs LIP grant program landowner incentive program Preble’s meadow jumping mouse black-tailed prairie dog Gunnison sage grouse conserve at-risk fish and wildlife species
SOURCE: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region News Release
Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton today announced $34.8 million in grants to states under a new partnership program to assist private landowners in conserving and restoring the habitat of endangered species and other at-risk plants and animals.
The cost-share grants, part of the administration’s new Landowner Incentive Program, will support innovative partnerships in 42 states. State fish and wildlife agencies, landowners or non-profit groups must put up at least 25 percent of the cost of projects. With these grants, states will be able to provide financial and technical assistance to interested landowners. $34.8 Million in grants to support habitat conservation for imperiled species »»