$34.8 Million in grants to support habitat conservation for imperiled species

KEYWORDS: environmental news imperiled species animal habitat conservation grants endangered species cost-share grants Landowner Incentive Program wildlife conservation projects programs LIP grant program landowner incentive program Preble’s meadow jumping mouse black-tailed prairie dog Gunnison sage grouse conserve at-risk fish and wildlife species

SOURCE: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region News Release

Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton today announced $34.8 million in grants to states under a new partnership program to assist private landowners in conserving and restoring the habitat of endangered species and other at-risk plants and animals.

The cost-share grants, part of the administration’s new Landowner Incentive Program, will support innovative partnerships in 42 states. State fish and wildlife agencies, landowners or non-profit groups must put up at least 25 percent of the cost of projects. With these grants, states will be able to provide financial and technical assistance to interested landowners. $34.8 Million in grants to support habitat conservation for imperiled species »»

Ableegumooch, the Lazy Rabbit

KEYWORDS: Algonquin legend algonquin oral story Indian legend myth story rabbit legend Rabbit story for kids childrens story

SOURCE: Algonquin Oral Story

In the Old Time, Ableegumooch the rabbit was the forest guide, and helped wayfarers lost in the woods. However, as time went on, the people and animals learned to find their own way in the forest and didn’t need the rabbit’s services as much.

Ableegumooch grew fat and lazy. If there was something easy and fun to do, he did it. If a thing were difficult or tiring, he did not. But that is no way to keep a wigwam stocked with food. Ableegumooch, the Lazy Rabbit »»

Wolfdog puppies up for adoption

KEYWORDS: free pictures free wolfdog pictures free wolfdog for adoption animal pictures Free Pictures FREE PICTURES Free Animal Pictures FREE ANIMAL PICTURES wolfdog pictures wolfdog pup wolfdog pups for adoption adopt a wolfdog puppy puppies wolf dog picture wolfdog hybrid wolf dogs for sale Wolfdogs WOLFDOGS WOLF DOGS Wolf Dogs Wolf/Dog Hybrid pic photo foto image pics photos fotos

These pictures of five week old wolfdogs can be used on your website for a link back to www.petandwildlife.com. You can find linking instructions here. These pups are available for adoption to a qualified home. Wolfdog puppies up for adoption »»

5 week old wolfdog pups

KEYWORDS: free pictures free wolfdog pictures free animal pictures Free Pictures FREE PICTURES Free Animal Pictures FREE ANIMAL PICTURES wolfdog pictures wolfdog pup wolfdog pups for adoption adopt a wolfdog puppy puppies wolf dog picture wolfdog hybrid wolf dogs for sale Wolfdogs WOLFDOGS WOLF DOGS Wolf Dogs Wolf/Dog Hybrid pic photo foto image pics photos fotos

These pictures of five week old wolfdogs can be used on your website for a link back to www.petandwildlife.com. You can find linking instructions here. 5 week old wolfdog pups »»

Unknown - Courage

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service identifies birds of conservation concern

KEYWORDS: birds bird habitat wildlife conservation endangered species threatened species declining species Birds of Conservation Concern 2002 report protect and restore bird habitat species of concern conserving bird species bird art prints

AUTHOR: US Fish and Wildlife Service Press Release

Emphasizing the need to conserve declining species long before they require the protection of the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today released its Birds of Conservation Concern 2002 report. The report identifies more than 100 bird species that deserve prompt conservation attention to stabilize or increase populations or to secure threatened habitats. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service identifies birds of conservation concern »»

Winslow Homer - Hudson River Logging

Nez Perce Tribe files new appeal of Bitterroot timber sale

KEYWORDS: Nez Perce tribe Bitterroot timber sale federal timber sales North Lochsa Face forest restoration project needs of salmon and steelhead Lochsa River logging Clearwater National Forest Canada lynx endangered species habitat nature art print forest art print lynx art print

AUTHOR: Dan Hansen, Spokesman Review Staff writer

The Nez Perce Tribe, which rarely appeals federal timber sales, has filed its second challenge over a single proposal in the Bitterroot Mountains of Idaho.

The tribe worries that the North Lochsa Face “forest restoration project” will foul streams that are important to native fish, tribal chairman Samuel Penney wrote in a press statement on Friday.

The project is designed to fix an area that foresters say is overly packed with stunted trees and brush, while simultaneously providing more browse for a declining elk herd. Nez Perce Tribe files new appeal of Bitterroot timber sale »»

Electric Wolf

Bush smiles at environment, but teeth are fangs

KEYWORDS: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge bird and animal sanctuaries Arctic Refuge oil drilling in the Arctic Refuge oil lease sales in Alaska preserve Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Environmental Protection Agency Endangered Species Act national wildlife refuge Olympic National Park art print Denali National Park art print buy signed limited edition art print buy nature art print wolf poster

AUTHOR: Joel Connelly, Seattle Post-Intelligencer Columnist

Electric Wolf
Electric Wolf
Buy this wolf poster

OLYMPIA — The Bush administration picked a sunny day, with the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge as a bracing photo backdrop, to put a smiling face on its controversial environmental policies.

The face belonged to Interior Secretary Gale Norton, who at her appearance yesterday linked President Bush with the Republicans’ greatest conservationist, Theodore Roosevelt, and peppered her remarks with references to “communication,” “consultation” and “cooperation.”

Norton did, however, flash the drill-bit teeth of Bush energy policies. She delivered a lengthy defense of the administration’s plan to drill for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, greatest of the nation’s bird and animal sanctuaries. Bush smiles at environment, but teeth are fangs »»

Otter Species List

KEYWORDS: otter species list types of otter species north american river otter eurasian otter cape clawless otter oriental small clawed otter sea otter sea cat neotropican otter spotted neck otter giant otter southern river otter american river otter smooth coated otter hairy nosed otter congo otter Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) Cape Clawless Otter (Aonyx capensis) Oriental Small Clawed Otter (Aonyx cinerea) Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) Sea Cat (Lutra felina) Neotropican Otter (Lontra longicaudis) Spotted Necked Otter (Lutra maculicollis) Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) Southern River Otter (Lontra provocax) American River Otter (Lontra canadensis) Smooth Coated Otter (Lutra perspicillata) Hairy Nosed Otter (Lutra sumatrana) Congo Otter (Aonyx congica) otter species classification otter information otter facts animals related to otters

American River OtterOtter-like animals have inhabited the earth for the last 30 million years and over the years their carnivore bodies have undergone subtle changes to enable otters to exploit the rich acquatic environment.

Otters are members of the Mustelid family which includes badgers, polecats, martens, weasels, stoats and mink.

Find out more about the 13 species. Otter Species List »»

Paul Brent - Desert Owl

On Groundhog Day, the north american prarie dog saw the shadow of extinction

KEYWORDS: groundhog Groundhog Day woodchuck badger hedgehog 5 species of prairie dogs in North America black-tailed prairie dog white-tailed prarie dog Gunnison prairie dogs Mexican prairie dog Utah prairie dogs Prairie dogs wildlife associated with prairie dog towns bison rattlesnake burrowing owl pronghorn antelope coyotes black-footed ferrets Navajo Reservation poisoning campaigns loss of habitat Utah Division of Wildlife Resources prairie dog numbers endangered species animal art print plains bison art print owl art print

AUTHOR: Terry Tempest Williams

north american black tailed prarie dog
North American Black-Tailed Prarie Dog
CASTLE VALLEY, Utah – Will the groundhog see his shadow this morning and retreat into his burrow for the next six weeks of winter, or will a cloudy day portend an early spring? A derivative of Candlemas, Groundhog Day reminds us that in the heart of winter, rebirth is possible, even in a frozen world.

We await the prognostication of the hibernating ones to signal our future, be it a groundhog, woodchuck, badger or hedgehog. In the American West, we look to the prairie dog: clay-colored sentinels that stand on their mounds watching the horizon for clues; a quick bark warns danger is near.

A fair prediction could be made that on this day, the shadow they see is not of a prolonged winter, but of a prolonged history of abuse. On Groundhog Day, the north american prarie dog saw the shadow of extinction »»

W:Mexican wolf reintroduction update December 16 –

KEYWORDS: wolf pack wolf packs reintroduced wolves mexican gray wolf mexican wolf reintroduction update Bluestem Pack Saddle Pack Hawks Nest Pack Hawk’s Nest Pack Gapiwi Pack Bonito Creek Pack Cienega Pack Luna Pack Gavilan Pack B Pipestem Pack B Gavilan Pack Francisco Pack Lupine Pack Mule Pack Campbell Blue Pack Arizona Game and Fish Department Mexican Wolf Reintroduction U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service New Mexico Department of Game and Fish USDA-Wildlife Services U.S. Forest Service Turner Endangered Species Fund White Mountain Apache Tribe Arizona mexican wolves New Mexico mexican wolves

This is a brief summary of current information about the Mexican gray wolf reintroduction program in Arizona and New Mexico.

This article has permanently moved to
Wolves Community -> Mexican Wolves
Mexican wolf reintroduction update.

Crocodile, crocodile, dog got your tongue

KEYWORDS: crocodile’s bark barking crocodiles crocodile legend why crocodiles prey on dogs crocodile has no tongue crocodile short story animal stories animal story

During a short visit to Jamaica we were informed of the widely held belief among rural Jamaicans that crocodiles bark like dogs. The barking is differentiated from crocodile roaring or grunting, which is well known to some rural Jamaicans.

This belief is so widely held that a newspaper article in the national press showing a photograph of a large crocodile, reported that it swam up the river, “barking loudly”. Crocodile, crocodile, dog got your tongue »»

Man-eating crocodile swallows golfer

KEYWORDS: crocodile attack man-eater maneater croc attack graphic photo of man-eating crocodile American crocodile

WARNING: This story contains a graphic photograph not suitable for small children or the faint of heart!

Subject: American Crocodile

As the story goes, the first golf foursome of the day played together to the 5th hole where one impatient golfer went ahead of the group. The remaining three, thinking that the impatient golfer finished without them and was waiting at the nineteenth hole wasn’t concerned with his absence.

After waiting 2 hours for his return and noting his car was still in the parking lot, the threesome notified the club and the search was on. Man-eating crocodile swallows golfer »»

> WRed wolf release is a su

KEYWORDS: Red wolves released into the wild red wolf pups picture red wolf pictures red wolf reintroduction program foster captive–born red wolf pups into the wild U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Red Wolf Recovery Program Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge wild wolf reintroduction Red Wolf Species Survival Plan (SSP) North Carolina Zoological Park America’s National Wildlife Refuge System Endangered Species Act

Wolf Community
AUTHOR: Shauna Baron, USFWS Red Wolf Recovery Program

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proud to announce initial success in an attempt to foster captive–born red wolf pups into the wild. Two pups inserted into a wild wolf den earlier this year, have been confirmed to be alive and well. This success marks new potential for fostering as an effective tool in red wolf recovery.

In May of this year, the North Carolina Zoological Park donated two red wolf pups to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Red Wolf Recovery Program to help foster the captive-born pups into the world’s only wild red wolf population. The two-week-old siblings, one male and one female, were transferred to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, and later inserted into the den of a wild wolf female.

The adult female, who was already raising two wild pups, accepted the two zoo-pups as her own, and went about the daily business of raising a litter of four pups of similar age. Throughout the summer, red wolf biologists monitored the pack from a distance using radio telemetry. However, the pups were routinely well hidden in thick vegetation, and attempts to confirm their status visually were unsuccessful.

Recently, all four pups of this litter were not only seen, but captured, and found to be in excellent health.

> WRed wolf release is a su »»

> @Mexican Gray Wolf Fact Sheet

KEYWORDS: mexican wolf fact sheet MEXICAN WOLVES MEXICAN WOLF lobo most endangered gray wolf canis lupus baileyi fact sheet mexican wolf status endangered species Mexican Wolf Habitat MEXICAN WOLF POPULATION mexican wolf lifespan Mexican Wolf Range mexican wolf diet Mexican Wolf breeding habits Mexiwolf

Wolf Community

Mexican Gray Wolf

Canis lupus baileyi

Article #113 has permanently moved to
Wolves Community -> Mexican Wolves
Mexican Gray Wolf.

> WCanus rufus rufus: Red W

Red wolves are the most endangered wolf species in the world.

Two sub-species, Canis rufus floridianus and Canis rufus gregoryi are now thought to be extinct.

Article #112 has permanently moved to:
http://wolves.petandwildlife.com/Canus_rufus_rufus_Red_Wolf_Fact_Sheet.htm">Canus rufus rufus: Red Wolf Fact Sheet

Euthanasia, is it the right choice?

I’ve spent the week trying to make a decision on whether to have my dog killed or to let her illness run it’s course. I suspect it’s time to do it, but I can’t seem to make that decision.

She’s suffering. I don’t want to let her go. I don’t want her to suffer. I don’t want to be responsible for this decision. I don’t know what is the right thing to do. Euthanasia, is it the right choice? »»

-Wyoming Wolves Could Wander Into Colorado

by Matt Zalaznick – Vail Daily Online

Wolves flourishing in the wilds of Wyoming could soon wander into northern Colorado, and wildlife groups are mobilizing to protect the packs from ranchers who aren’t looking forward to seeing them.

The state’s native wolf packs were hunted out of existence about 100 years ago, and there are many who would like to see the endangered animals reintroduced to Colorado to restore a major predator to the top of the mountain food chain, said Jody Flemming of the Colorado Wildlife Federation. ..Read More

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Rabbit and the Two Fawns

Two young Fawns sat on the ground talking about their condition. They were two boys without a mother. "We used to have a deer for our mother," they said.

Rabbit came to them and said "I'm hungry. I've travelled without eating, and I've come a long way."

The Fawns said, "We have nothing to eat here; our food is not here."

Where is it?" asked Rabbit.

Rabbit and the Two Fawns »»